“Discover A Brand New Breakthrough Way To Immediately Increase Your Employee Productivity ... Guaranteed!” |
Jason Christopher, the Info-Tainer reveals the secret to make your next presentation the best ever. |
Dear Event Planner, My Amazing No-Risk Offer To Your Company! My “Mind Power Unleashed” presentation utilizes a unique combination of audience involvement, comedy, visual aids and success secrets to help illustrate proven motivation and success strategies. ALRIGHT, I want to make my company employees achieve more in less time. Give me the details. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO? Whether you need a speaker immediately, in the future or are just curious, I urge you to order my FREE MIND POWER INFORMATION KIT. It will give you full details on this 100% risk-free program, referrals from my enthusiastic clients, and information on how we can work together to increase productivity at your office, guaranteed. Call my 24-HOUR TOLL-FREE RECORDED MESSAGE today at (888) 255-0662. You can also email me at
jnork@comcast.net or Jason@bookjasonchristopher.net
and I'll rush you out the information ASAP.